
Review ~ All for This by Lexi Ryan

All for This (Here and Now, #3)Title: All for This
Author: Lexi Ryan
Series: Here and Now #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Expected Publication: August 4th 2014

What if you would never remember the day you made the most important decision of your life?

That’s what they’re telling me about the day of my accident—the day I put on Max’s ring and chose him over Nate. I’m counting on the wisdom behind a decision I don’t remember making.

Max is amazing—sexy, sweet, and kind. I was starting to believe happily-ever-after might be in my future after all. Then the unthinkable happened and my world imploded. If I’m going to make this work with Max, I need my missing memories, or at least answers from about those five days before my accident.

But what does my future hold if those answers aren’t anything like I imagined?
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I have been hanging for this book since the little revelation in the end of Fall to You. I wanted answers to everything; what happened for Hanna to fall, what was going to happen in her love life and what her future was going to be like. I knew that there would be some big decisions to be made, but had no idea how it would all happen.

Hanna has been on an emotional rollercoaster ride since her accident. She is trying to make decisions and faces new challenges at every turn. This girl has been through so much and goes through so much more in this book. She is such a sweet person and in the end needs to decide what is best for her, what her head or heart says.

Nate and Max… they are both fantastic guys and I was torn as to who she would choose. They both want what is best for her and until all Hanna’s memory returned, she didn’t know what she wanted either. She has deep connections with both guys and I saw all three POV’s, and could see all their struggles.

I loved how this story was wrapped up. Most of my questions were answered and I knew not everyone would get a HEA. I am keen to know what happens next for him. I saw a little glimpse of something and I am so excited, if it heads in that direction. Lexie Ryan has turned me into a fan I tell you! She sucks you into her emotional worlds and hooks you right until the end. This is not a standalone book, so go grab the first book and become hooked like me! What am I going to do next… well I’m keen for Liv’s story, starting later this year!

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

Once a college English professor, I now write full time. I live in rural Indiana, where, when I’m not writing, I get to hang out with my husband and two kids–a six-year-old boy and a two-year-old hellion, er, girl. Not surprisingly, reading and writing remain my favorite activities, though both come in bits and pieces these days, not the big hunks of time I enjoyed before I had children. When I’m feeling virtuous, I like to go running (I use that word liberally. I’m really, really slow) or do yoga. Don’t worry, I’m always careful to balance out such activities with a hearty serving of ice cream or a chocolate martini.

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LOST IN ME will be FREE for a limited time. For anyone who hasn't started the series yet, this is a great chance to start if interested in the HERE AND NOW series.

Other reviews featuring Lexi Ryan

Here and Now series
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  1. I think it's great that you're able to see why she would be conflicted with her feelings towards the two guys without it driving you into a tailspin. I know it would take a whole lot of patience for me (I'm not a fan of love triangles).

    Great review! :)

  2. This sounds very interesting. I haven't read any of the books but now I want to.

  3. I don't mind love triangles, as long as they are done right. This one had me wanting both!! lol

  4. This is the first series of hers that I have read... definitely keen for more!

  5. Oh geez, Naomi. I MUST start this series soon. But you put too many books on my tbr. I have trouble deciding what to read!! I'm so glad you liked how this series wrapped up. I can't wait!

  6. It is always a good feeling when a series ends well, and threads are tied up. I am so glad this met your expectations.

  7. Ahhh love it so much when an author hooks me like that. So glad it wrapped up nice and is hopefully heading into a good place for the other guy!

  8. It did, except I want to know more about other characters... I've been promised soon!!

  9. Yes, she did it well! I am looking forward to the books about him!

  10. I have trouble like that all the time too.... I need to Beta read a book right now, but I haven't! I MUST get onto it!


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