
EARLY REVIEW ~ Bound Forever by Hanna Peach

Title: Bound Forever
Author: Hanna Peach
Series: Bound #2
Genre: Adult Romantic Suspense
Expected Publication: August 6th 2014

The stunning conclusion to Bound by Lies…

Caden and I on the run. Together. But he still won’t let me touch him and I know he is still keeping things from me. I am determined to uncover everything, at any cost. Even if it tears us apart.

Jacob is back. He’s back and he knows about her. Now, everything that binds the three of us together are twisting and tightening, pulling us all together. I can feel the inevitable coming…
I don’t know how this will end… all I know is, there will be blood.

Adult romantic suspense. +18 years.
Coming Soon!!
Holy hell! What a conclusion to the duology!! I just loved every moment of reading Bound Forever. Secrets that will break your heart were revealed, the suspense had me on edge and the passion between Caden and "Kitten" was scorching.

Bound Forever continues immediately after Bound by Lies, with both Caden and "Kitten" on the run together. They both have secrets, but Caden more so. Each time I learnt more about Caden, my heart swelled, because he really is a great guy. But some of his past will shatter you, so be prepared! "Kitten" and Caden's pasts are more entwined than I thought and these little details made me understand the passion that Caden has for her more. She really is a nice girl with a big heart, wanting the best for everyone and that is why she has tried not to make friends, to keep them out of danger. I enjoyed how both characters were living close together, so that "Kitten" was able to learn more about Caden and break down his walls. Their sexual relationship changed a bit throughout this story, but it was still hot!

I loved how this book was set in the present and then a few chapters jumped back to the past to fill us in on some major details. It really gave better depth to the characters and the storyline. The villains in this series are from a big crime family and are really heartless. Hanna did such a remarkable job building these villains that I feared them as much as "Kitten" did.

Hanna Peach has wowed me once again with this series. She has done a fantastic job switching from paranormal romance to romantic suspense. She has built a world and characters so believable that you think you are there and know them personally. The storyline was gripping and the passion explodes between the pages! Well done Hanna, I am excited to see what you have for us next!!

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

Hanna Peach“I write about fantastical things, especially creatures with fangs, magic or wings. I want to tell you tales that will rip away the glamor from your life, keep you running and fighting and gasping long past the devil’s hour and maybe, just maybe, reality will look a little bit different when you return. Sit with me around this witchlight. Let me tell you a story.”

At the beginning of 2013, Hanna left her "respectable" career, packed up her life and sold everything except for what fit in a suitcase to write full-time writer and travel the world. Even she thinks that she is a little crazy sometimes.

Hanna Peach is the author of Angelfire and Angelstone, book’s 1 and 2 of the Dark Angel series. Angelsong, (Dark Angel #3) is due for publication on 20 October 2013 and Angeldark (Dark Angel #4) is due early 2014.


  1. Ahhhh! Okay, okay. Just added the first to my tbr pile. Dang that thing is gonna pop!lol

  2. *gah!* Why do you keep making me add ever more books to my TBR shelf, Naomi? Bound Forever sounds awesome, and your enthusiasm is very catching :)

    I hope you're having a fantastic week! Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  3. Holy wow! I hadn't heard of this series before but it sounds absolutely amazing. As always I loved your review and I'm glad the book ended in an enjoyable way.

  4. Wow, 5 stars! I am going to have to add this and the first book and keep an eye out for it. They sound freaking amazing. Wonderful review!

  5. Well

  6. Whoa ... so I guess I need to read these, huh?

  7. It is a great duo, I tell ya! Plenty of sizzling and intense scenes!

  8. It did, and this has been a terrific series!

  9. Yes, it has been an amazing series, I love it!

  10. Yay! I'm glad to see you loved Bound Forever too, Naomi. As if I thought you wouldn't. I finished it in one day - while on my vacation. The only thing I could complain about was that I thought the suspense wasn't as intense at first...and then it was. LOL Lovely review! Thanks so much for introducing me to Hanna!

  11. I know what you mean, it was a little laid back, but certainly kicked up a few notches! Such a great end!

  12. Awesome review!! I just grabbed both of these books on Amazon.. thanks you to my awesome friend.

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  13. I hope you love them! Because I did!!


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