
Review/Giveaway ~ True North: Finding Us by Allie Juliette Mousseau

Today I have the pleasure to bring you Finding Us by Allie Juliette Mousseau as part of the tour for Allie's latest release. Today I have my review and a tour wide giveaway to share with you!

Finding Us (True North, #2)Title: Finding Us 
Author: Allie Juliette Mousseau
Series: True North #2
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Published: May 14th 2014

Nathaniel Morrisey thought he had a handle on his affections for the one woman he ever cared about, Julia North, who happened to be his boss’s daughter and best friend’s little sister. But Jules is about to blow that calm self-control he's had a tight grip on all to hell.

Nate's desire to protect Jules—especially from himself—and the overwhelming emotions he feels for her, have waged a war inside of him; having been abandoned and abused as a child, how could he ever love and treat a woman like Julia North the way she deserved?

Julia North knows Nathaniel Morrisey is the only one for her, but with a past like a dark shadow, Nate's as turbulent as the wild horses he rides.

Will Jules be strong enough to hold on unconditionally, or will she decide it’s finally time to let go?
Buy Now - Amazon
Finding Home was an amazing start to True North series and it was exciting to be back in this world and learning more about Nate and Jules, who I met in the first book. What I enjoyed was the new direction this book headed in… straight into the world of bull riding!!

Finding Us is mostly a sweet book. I knew they had a connection in the previous book, but in this book they worked on dealing with their feelings and putting their hearts on the line. I giggled at the little things that Jules decided to do to snag Nate’s attention because she was sick of waiting for him. Nate I wanted to shake sometimes as he couldn’t see what was in front of him!

I was able to learn more about the rest of the North brothers in this book too and I liked getting to know them. Caleb has been Nate’s best friend in Jake’s absence and I am keen to see more of him. I briefly met Sam and got a glimpse into Jake… and I’m still a little curious about Will. It was also nice to see more of the North parents and the influence they play in both Jules and Nate’s lives.

I was so swept away in the fun story that I forgot about Nate’s demon’s until late in the book. I knew about his past but not the extent of it. Learning about them was heartbreaking and I just wanted them to work through it together. Allie Juliette Mousseau creates passionate characters that have deep love for their partners and are willing to fight for what they want. I’m excited to see who gets the next book!!

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

Allie Juliette Mousseau writes sexy, emotionally charged New Adult Romance in a variety of genres and temperatures.

She writes from passionate and angsty; fun and light to intense and epic. She incorporates a lot of romance, tension, and hot and sexy spice. Always a HEA and stand alone - even in a series.

Her alter-ego:

Alana Jewel Mousseau creates captivating YA worlds through the magic of ink. She writes brave but "human" main characters, imaginative plots and complex worlds; from High Octane action to exploring the deepest emotions - you won't want to put down your book!

She can always be found writing, playing in puddles with her children, hiking with her husband, or adventuring somewhere in the world. Her favorite place to write is outdoors, but when the weather gets too chilly she'll be inside at her desk looking at the mountain view from her home office in Montana where she lives with her loving husband, children, and 85 pound golden retriever, who likes to sleep on her feet while she writes.

With a free spirit, Allie loves to travel and has spent three years sparking her imagination while travelling the U.S. and Canada in an RV with her family. She looks forward in continuing her journey to see the world, while finishing her degree in Literature

Author Links:

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There is a tour-wide giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card plus lots of other goodies from some great authors.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Other reviews featuring Allie Juliette Mousseau

Review ~ True North: Finding Home


  1. The sweet story sounds wonderful. I like parts of the cover too. I haven't read the first, but should one of these days.

  2. Awe this sounds like a great series! Wow bull riding hey.. I love it when a book covers something new to me :) So glad you enjoyed this one!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  3. It was a sweet story, and a bit different from the first which was great.

  4. I know! I like new stuff too... something I have had no real interest in before!

  5. This sounds good Naomi. The covers are so cute on this series.

  6. Sounds like you really enjoyed the book and great review.

  7. Sounds like she took charge to get the guy. Nice.

  8. Oh Naomi, this sounds so good! I love that you got lost in a story about bull riding - and as I love books with that involved, I really want to read this! ;) I'm happy you enjoyed this one, too!

  9. They are, I have been enjoying this series.

  10. I did enjoy it! It was lots of fun!!

  11. Allie Juliette MousseauJune 12, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    Naomi you're amazing! Thanks so much for the fantastic review!

  12. You are welcome girl! It was my pleasure to have you here again!!


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