
Review ~ Every Second with You by Lauren Blakely

Every Second with You (No Regrets, #2)Title: Every Second with You
Author: Lauren Blakely
Series: No Regrets #2
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Published: February 10th 2014

Every Second With You = Sex. Love. Addiction. Heartache. Pain. And Hope.

In the sequel to the bestselling THE THRILL OF IT, Harley and Trey face new challenges that will make battling blackmail, sex addiction, and a virgin call girl past look easy…

I used to think love was a lie. Now I know it’s real, powerful, and I don’t want to lose it…But my future scares me, and there’s no way this can be happening, especially since I’ve finally broken free from all the people who wanted pieces of me. I don’t even know how to start over, but I have to find a way. So when I discover what my mother’s been keeping from me, it doesn’t make me hate her. It gives me hope for a new life, outside of New York. But the ties that bind me to this city are so strong, sometimes they are chains. If only I could leave with…


I will do anything for her. She owns me, heart, mind and body. But when Harley tells me this, I am rocked to the core, and terrified of what happens next. Especially when this time it’s not her past that chases me, it’s someone from my own. And that someone is messing with my head when I’m trying to be strong for Harley. But all I really want is to escape with the girl I love…For the rest of our lives.

How can you move forward when the past keeps chasing you?
Buy Now - Amazon
Every Second with You took me on a massive emotional rollercoaster ride! There were some tense moments that had me a little worried, but they turned into relief and happiness. There were plenty of swoon worthy moments and scorching scenes that had my blood pumping. I even shed a few tears as there were some difficult moments that had you holding your breath and hoping for the best. The whole journey from beginning to the end was just beautiful, although complicated and I really enjoyed this book the most out of the series.

Harley and Trey have come so far as a couple and with the new twist thrown in, they are willing to face anything head-on. Their old lives and addictions still continue to affect the lives they have built together, so it’s not always an easy ride. I loved how they were able to work together, to support one another through everything, especially when their demons resurface.

I loved how Lauren Blakely completed this series. Things changed drastically for Harley and Trey, and it was exciting to be there to see it all play out. As a mother, it really touched my heart and I was amazed by the amount of emotion this story pulled from me. Harley and Trey go through some difficult times and how Lauren wrote them into this story was astonishing. I am sad to finish this series, but it was one helluva ride!!

Other reviews featuring Lauren Blakely

No Regrets series
The Start of Us #0.5
The Thrill of It #1

Caught Up In Love
Caught Up in Us #1


  1. Awe this sounds awesome!! So happy you enjoyed this book and got the ending and answers you were looking for.

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  2. Oh love those moments where you're holding your breath like that. Such great writing to get you that involved and invested. I've got all of these on the tbr pile. Man alive one day. One day it'll happen. lol

  3. this entire series looks emotional and well done. I love the sound of the characters, sounds like they have depth!

  4. It was an awesome series and fabulous ending... all tied up nicely!

  5. It is a fab series and it did have me holding my breath, hope you do get to it!

  6. They do have depth, I loved it!

  7. You know I'm a sucker for that kind of emotion, Naomi. ;) That you were so moved says a lot. I'm also a fan of lots of character growth and it seems this series delivers that as well. Okay,'ve sold me. No arm twisting required. *ha* Great review, girl!

  8. Haha! Yes! This is a great series and I loved it... the emotion... OMG! bucket loads!

  9. I love books that really hit me emotionally. This series sounds amazing!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  10. It is fantastic, you will definitely be sucked in!


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