
Waiting On Wednesday # 59 – Sweet By Erin McCarthy

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where I have the chance to spotlight an upcoming release that I’m eagerly anticipating.
By Erin McCarthy
True #2
Expected Publication – October 9th 2013
I really enjoyed the first book, True and I have read good things about Riley so I cannot wait to meet him!

Jessica Sweet thought going away to college would finally make her free of her parents’ constant judgments and insistence she play chastity club role model for their church events, but if anything, the freedom has made her realize she can’t go home and be a hypocrite anymore. Tired of dodging their questions, she stays at school over the summer and lands in an unexpected crash pad: Riley Mann’s house.

Sarcastic, cocky, and full of opinions, Riley is also sexy personified with tattoos and biceps earned from working as a roofer all day. Not the right guy for her even if Jessica was looking for a relationship, which she is definitely not. But Jessica knows that Riley hides the burden of having to raise his younger brothers behind that grin and as she helps him get his house in order for a custody hearing, they begin to fall hard for each other, and she is forced to question what she’s hiding herself.

Jessica has never had a problem getting naked with a guy, but when it comes to showing Riley how she truly feels inside, her fear of rejection may just ruin the best thing—the best guy—to ever happen to her…

What are you waiting for? Please leave a comment below with your WoW link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday!!


  1. Ahh it was good Naomi! I really liked Riley. He's a bit rough around the edges but a pretty good one :)

  2. sounds spiffy. if a bit sexy hahaha.

    Check out my WoW

  3. The first one of these is on my TBR list :)

    My WoW .

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  4. Jessica@a GREAT readOctober 2, 2013 at 8:36 PM

    OOh nice! Not my kind of read, but still hope you absolutely love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Ooh! I just got this one on NetGalley... although, confession: I still have to read True (which I also have...) I am so freaking far behind!!!

  6. This sounds like a pretty good series. Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. I haven't of it, but it does sound interesting! I'll be sure to add it to my TBR pile. :)

    Waiting on Wednesday

    Andy @ Owl Always Be Reading

  8. Love your chibi drawings! And this sounds like an interesting series! :) Hope you get to read it soon!!

    Jess @

  9. I like this authors adult series but I wasn't a fan of the first book in this series; I am intrigued by that synopsis though.

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

  10. This sounds like an interesting read! Hope you enjoy it when it releases!

    Here's my WoW Post!

    Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

  11. I'm glad you liked it and took the plunge into NA!!

  12. I really liked TRUE... it was a fun read, so I'm looking forward to these new characters!!

  13. I know.... I think I will have to try harder to add a Paranormal read each week!!

  14. So jealous... I got a knock back!! lol

  15. Haha!! Thanks.... Trying to personalise my blog!!
    And I shouldn't have to wait too long!

  16. I didn't mind TRUE, it's the only work of hers that I have read though.

  17. I loved the first one, so it's natural for me to continue the journey!! lol I've read great reviews about it!!

  18. Sounds sexy! I'll be checking this one out for sure.

    My Wow


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