
Feature and Follow #49 ~ ONE Forever Book

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.

Here’s this week’s question:

If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?

It is so hard to pick just ONE book!! I have so many favourite books and series, it is hard to go through and pick just one! What if my favourite series was released as a Omnibus book, all of them in one big Vampire bible!! lol Now that I could deal with, because I need all the books in the series to see what would happen next! Right now, I am addicted to the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill. It has everything I love! Paranormal, action, humour and sexual frustration!! I LOVE IT!! I would definitely read this series over and over!

(I have read the first 2 books in the series so far)

To play along visit Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.
Follow them, follow their Featured Blogs and then visit as many blogs as you can, posting your answer.

What do you think? Please leave a comment below with your Feature and Follow link so I can check out yours too!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Friday!!


  1. A series all mashed together in one book. Hmm... that definitely would be interesting.

    Thanx for stopping by my FF
    Happy Friday :)

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. Jessica@a GREAT readAugust 30, 2013 at 8:41 PM

    OOh nice choices! Love this series too!

    I like to think I didn't really cheat with all my many, many responses and book choices! As another commenter pointed out, I just considered all my options of how one defines a book! Such as a book that has 2.5 novels in it or an anthology of short stories. And then of course there's the 1 novel itself!

    ;) Yeah, just felt like explaining how I didn't quite cheat, but yeah I probably did!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Haven't read these! Hopping through.

    Happy Friday!

    Sandra @ SSBF Blog

    Here’s my FF

  4. I would love it if the whole (completed - not now) Chicagoland Vampire series was in a single book. That would be the book I would choose. But I have to know everything, we can't just leave me hanging. :)

  5. Cool pick. Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Friday!

  6. Oh, yes! A vampire bible would be on my list, then, too! What an excellent idea, Naomi :)

    I'm so happy you're enjoying Chicagoland. Merit is a true kick-ass heroine :)

    Have a great weekend.

  7. I haven't read this series yet but it looks very interesting. Thanks for stopping by my FF! New follower :-)

  8. Never read the books... Sounds good though! New follower via bloglovin' and google+! Check out my FF at :)

  9. I've been trying to read those books for over a year now! They have been sitting in my TBR and I haven't had the time to get to them and I know everyone loves them. Guess I need to read them immediately, they look fantastic :)

    Old Bloglovin' Follower!

    My FF HERE.
    -Seirra @ Dear, Restless Reader

  10. Oh that is one great solution to the torture this question was! All of one series in a book. Chicagoland would definitely be at the top of my list. Old bloglovin' follower.

    Visit my FF here
    Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict

  11. Yep, the boxed set would do you just fine..LOL I still need to read this series..i feel so left out!!

  12. I liked the first couple in this series, and I really need to catch up. :)

  13. Ooo that series sounds good, I think I'm going to have to read it. lol

    Thanks for stopping by! New Follower! :)

  14. Fantastic series - hope you enjoy the rest of the books.

    Old follower!

  15. Heather LittleBearriesSeptember 2, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    I love a good Vampire book, so I can see why you'd love so many... I have this problem with zombies, especially around Halloween, I just want to read more and more and more zombie novels XD

  16. You did an awesome job with your choices girl!! I'm the cheater, don't worry!! lol

  17. Well..... It will be only one book for a lifetime, so I wanted it to be big!! lol

  18. It's a fun series, looking forward to more!!

  19. That's right!! I have noticed even from these 2 books that Chloe likes to leave them open!!

  20. I know, right!! I thought it would be a necessity!! And I am loving Merit!

  21. I actually won the first 6 books and it has taken 6 months to start them, so I totally understand where you are coming from!!

  22. Haha!! I thought it was a good idea! Had to share so we all can get on board!! lol

  23. I am LOVING it Liz, so you will too, for sure!!

  24. Haha!! I have been missing out myself, I tell you!! I want to read them all back-to-back!!!! I love it so much!!

  25. I am so in love with this series!! I had to will myself to read something else, because I am finding so addictive!

  26. I hope you have the chance to soon!!

  27. I'm sure I will, then it will be torture waiting for more in the series!! lol

  28. Haha!! It is a bit of a dilemma that we have when we are addicted to paranormal creatures, huh??

  29. Good decision making ;-)

    New follower,

    The Book Cove


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