
Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up #45

Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. I’ll share news, post a recap of the past week and tell you what will be happening on my blog in the week ahead. I will also tell you about the books and goodies that I have managed to pick up.
It has been a quiet week for me this week, kids have been home for the school holidays and my 2 boys picked up a gastro bug!! Yay! Lucky for me that they are all on the mend! lol I still managed to get some reading done, but I didn't venture very far from the house.  
I also did my usual Meme’s that I participate in Teaser Tuesdays,

Review/Giveaway ~ Indelible by Bethany Lopez
Review ~ Beautiful Stranger by Christina Lauren
Review ~ Executive Sweet by Sage Ardman

I didn't pick up any books this week!! At least my book list didn't grow!! Hahaha!!

My Bloggiversary Giveaway is still running, Facebook is not very happy with my link at the moment, but I would appreciate it if you are able to share it any other way!! 

There are still some giveaways running… Click on the links at the top of the blog to enter!

What do you did you get up to last week? Pick up any goodies? Please leave a comment below with your link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Week!!


  1. Sorry to hear about your boys. Hope they are better now.
    This week I picked up a few books which I think you know well.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. Bea @ Bea's Book NookJuly 14, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    Wow, you did a lot of reviews! And no new books? That's impressive. I on the other hand, need a new shelf for all the books I got. :D

    I hope your boys are feeling better.

  3. Glad your little ones are on the mend! That does not sound fun at all. I picked up a couple new ones this week but was pretty good. Will twitter your giveaway now :)

  4. Sometimes NOT getting new books can be a good thing. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. nothing worse than kids with gastro, hope they feel better soon.

  6. I need a week where I don't add anything to the stack. I am being buried in books and it is all my fault. If you get a chance, come see what I got this week at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  7. I hope your boys are feeling better. I am looking forward to the review for Indelible. Enjoy your Sunday!

  8. It is always good to have a week with no books, as we can pretend we are lowering our tbr pile, as we read, instead of 5 books read, 10 books in!

  9. Wow, everyone is having a great summer in books. I'm so jealous. Happy Bloggiversary too!

    If you'd like to stop, I have a Sunday Post up as well...


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