
Waiting On Wednesday # 39 – Fractured Souls By Jessica Sorensen

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where I have the chance to spotlight an upcoming release that I’m eagerly anticipating.

I have had Shattered promises on my TBR list for a while now and I discovered today, book 2 is almost out... Check it out!!

Fractured Souls
By Jessica Sorensen
Shattered Promises #2
Expected Publication – June 2013

Gemma thought she had said her good-byes and had felt every possible emotion she could before her soul was detached again. Deep down inside, she hoped she’d never wake up from it because, in her eyes, life without emotion and memories isn’t worth living.

But she does wake up and discovers she can still feel and remember everything she experienced over the last few months. Alex is also telling her that everything’s okay, that he didn’t betray her, and that what she thought happened really didn’t. 

Gemma isn’t sure if she can trust Alex, so she tries to keep her distance from him, even though the electric connection and her desire make it nearly impossible. The only person she can trust is Laylen, but even that becomes complicated when the lines of their friendship begin to blur.

While Gemma struggles with her emotions and relationships, she searches for her mother, entering a dangerous world of secrets, seduction, and evil. The further she digs into her mother’s secrets and past, the more she wonders what waits for her at the end of her search and if maybe some things are better left in the dark.

**Mature Content Warning** 17+ for language and sexual content.

What are you waiting for? Please leave it in a comment below or leave me your WoW link so I can check out yours too!!
Have a great Wednesday!!


  1. Jessica@a GREAT readMay 8, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    OOh interesting! This is new to me!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Never heard of the series before, but damn does that sound awesome. Added the first to my tbr, thanks a lot! My WoW

  3. YES YES YES! I am also waiting for this one and cannot wait! I'm so happy June is around the corner! Thanks for sharing-I will be WOW'ing this one next week :)

    check out my WOW:


    The Next Chapter

  4. Oh wow I love that cover! I have heard amazing things about this author. Gotta add this series to the TBR

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  5. This looks so good with the hot cover, I need to read the first one by her. Hope you get to read it soon!

    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  6. Ooh i love the cover.


  7. Andrea @The Bookish BabeMay 9, 2013 at 12:57 PM

    Looks good. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I know, right? And it has an awesome cover!!

  9. I haven't read the first book of this, but I think I want to...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Why haven't I read book one..seriously I love this author


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