
Swoon Thursday #29 – Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren

The fabulous girls over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme. Here's how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog! I want to know & so do the chicks at YABound!

This was such a fun adult read and has lots of swoony moments (lots of dirty ones too.....) I just loved this little tease and had to share it.

Check out my review for Beautiful Bastard HERE.

Beautiful Bastard
Christina Lauren
Beautiful Bastard #1

Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard, #1)

He looked up at me and did a slight double take, his eyes dropping to my skirt. When he looked back up, his lips opened slightly, as if he would ask me something were he able. And then he reached forward, pen poised between his finger and thumb, and used the tip of it to lift the hem of my skirt up my thigh.

His eyes widened when he saw the garter..


Kindle Loc 1073

Did you get swooned this week?

What did you think of mine?

Leave me a comment!


  1. Garter! Sounds a little kinky.
    I haven't read this one. Glad you enjoyed the book.
    Hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!

    My Swoon @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. I just recently heard about this book!!! It sounds kind of interesting - it's not like 50 Shades, is it? I actually have read those either, nor do I plan on it. Anyway. Great choice of swoon! :D

    My Swoon Post!

  3. I am very curious about this book. Sounds like it could be lots of fun. Great swoon!

    My Swoon

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  4. Oh la la! Ha ha. That sounded really swoony and steamy ;-)
    I have this one on my Kindle and I'm DYING to read it!
    (and check out my Beautiful Disaster + Walking Disaster
    giveaway) :-P

  5. Debbie I Heart YA BooksFebruary 15, 2013 at 4:30 AM

    LOL, I love that scene! Sexy swoon! Dang if those garter don't gett'em every time lol! Thanks Naomi!

    My swoon is from: Dare You To

  6. Hehe - gotta love the garter!


  7. No bondage, just lots of office and random sex!! Lol!!

  8. It is a fun and easy read, lots of lovin ;)

  9. Hehe!! I thought it was a fun scene!! I really enjoyed this book!!

  10. I know!! A man's point of weakness is definitely the underwear!!

  11. nice scene. (I didnt know we can add scenes from non YA books, if so, I have many I can do, they are clean adult and new adult)

    I have a great scene this week, from a very favorite book, I think you would like, as I see you like many of the same kinds of books I do, (Paranormal lol)

    Here is mine

    YA Swoon Post

  12. Ok-this is going on my TBR! Very Swoon Worthy! When does it come out?

    Here's my Swoon:

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  13. I can't help it!! If it's a good swoon I will still share!!


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