
Feature and Follow #22

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers — but you have to know — the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

Here’s this week’s question:

Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard, #1)What is the last book that kept you up late into the night just to finish it?

I was up reading Beautiful Bastard this week... It is a steamy book and so easy to read that I couldn't help but stay up!! Love/hate relationships are so much fun!!

I got it from NetGalley and is due for release February 12th 2013!!

What do you think?

What's your FF?

To play along visit Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.
Follow them, follow their Featured Blogs and then visit as many blogs as you can, posting your answer.

And don't forget to leave your link in the comments section below!


  1. Man I really need to read this! I seen it on Netgalley but I didn't think much of it and now I so want to read it! :) & You have a lovely blog, now following you via GFC!

    Have a great weekend!!

    - Seirra @ Dear, Restless Reader

  2. Cool pick! I recently received this ARC and so cannot wait to read it! :)

    Old Follower!

  3. Oooh Beautiful Bastard looks good!
    Thanks for stopping by my post :)

    Old email follower (sugar_and_snark AT yahoo .com)

    Sugar & Snark

  4. What's the genre of Beautiful Bastards? :)

    Old follower. :)

    Here's my FF.

  5. I had mixed feelings about Beautiful Bastard.. I read it in one sitting too.. but felt as though it would be best enjoyed in multiple. I think it was sensory overload by the end! lol

    Here's my FF.

  6. I haven't read it, but right off the bad that cover looks amazing! might have to check it out! thanks great post! thanks for following, im following you back ! - Katie @InkkReviews

  7. Haven't read that one yet, I'll definitely check it out!

    Here's my FF:

  8. Yeah, you got to love those love/hate relationships. Will be interested to see your review on this one.

    My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog


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