
Feature & Follow #6

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers — but you have to know — the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

Here’s this week’s question:
What hyped up book was worth all of the fuss?

There are so many great books out there, but some that I have read recently would be The Wild Ones by M. Leighton and Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry. I absolutely loved those books, they both made me cry.... the Authors are both fabulous. And neither book is Paranormal.... so that’s saying something!


What do you think?

What's your FF?

To play along visit Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.
Follow them, follow their Featured Blogs and then visit as many blogs as you can, posting your answer.
And don't forget to leave your link in the comments section below!



  1. First time I've seen these two mentioned today. I have yet to read them, but from the reviews I've read they're both very good.
    My FF can be found @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. They are definitely two you need to get!! M.Leighton totally rocks!!

  3. There is a lot of hype for Pushing the Limits. The cover may not seem much but wow, so many amazing reviews. I hope to see this in my bookstore soon!

  4. Hopping through. New follower! I enjoyed Pushing the LImits although not quite as much as everyone else.
    My Hop

  5. Lee @ Rally The ReadersSeptember 22, 2012 at 2:17 AM

    I've heard a lot of great things about both books and have them on my TBR list. It's been a fantastic year for contemporary novels so far!

    Old follower. Our FF

  6. Hi I'm a new follower!! I have both books on my TBR list . . . I love your blog and f/b page!!! :-)

  7. I have The Wild Ones just haven't read it yet, I can't wait though.

    My FF

  8. I still need to read Pushing the Limits, but I do have a copy. I'm glad to see so many people enjoyed it. New follower.
    Happy Friday!

  9. I loved it, gets pretty emotional, just awesome!!

  10. Thanx Alison, I enjoyed it because of the emotional attachment I got with the book, the effect parents have on their children's lives, being a Mum too makes it even more special.

  11. It has been a fabulous year, I am addictaed to the fantastic books we've had!! Thanx for the visit!!

  12. Thanx Kirsty, I'm off to visit you too!!

  13. Not as much hype after all then... it happens!! I hope you check them out, you'll love them!

  14. Michelle has a new book soon (on the weekend) so you really need to read TWO's!! She rocks!!

  15. I haven't read either of those, but they are both on my list! :)

    New Follower my FF @ Pink Fluffy Hearts

  16. Old follower here... I've not read either of these, but I have seen Pushing the Limits on quite a few of this week's FF. I can honestly say it's a book I never would have picked up based on the cover, so I'll have to check it out.


  17. You may have to move it up your TBR list, it is awesome!!

  18. I know, I only picked it up because it has popular, wanted to see what the Hype was about, all the reviews were positive too. I'm glad I did!!

  19. You will need to find time... they're my fav's!!


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